
Animated Lightweight Home Page with Nuxt.js, Vue.js, and Anime.js


This project was completed as part of an internship and involved creating an animated lightweight web page for a client. The page was developed using Nuxt.js as the framework, Vue.js for building user interfaces, and Anime.js for animation effects. The goal was to deliver a visually appealing and responsive website that meets the client's requirements while maintaining optimal performance.

Technologies Used

  • Framework: Nuxt.js
  • JavaScript Library: Vue.js, Anime.js


Animated Page

  • Utilizes Anime.js to create smooth and engaging animations throughout the page.

Lightweight Design

  • Optimized for performance to ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience.

Responsive Layout

  • Built with a responsive design to ensure compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
